Wednesday, January 21, 2015

Dream Interpretation - No worries with this snake

Dreamers from all around the world report images of snakes.  Myths and norms of a society help determine a symbol’s meaning.  In our American culture, we have an almost universally negative reaction to snakes.  Perhaps only herpetologists feel kindly toward this primordial creature!  Today’s dreamer has her own guess as to a snake’s implication in her dream:

Dear Carolyn,

I don’t remember if you’ve ever written about snakes in dreams.  Over my life, I’ve had a few dreams, or maybe even more than a few, that included snakes.  I’m sure they are extremely Freudian! 

Here’s the latest one.  It’s really just a piece of the dream.  I’m sure there was more to it, so do what you can with it, please:

I seemed to be walking along a narrow dirt path in a rural area.  Reminds me of the fields near where I grew up in rural California.  Not much around except grass on both sides.  A snake on the left side of the path startled me and stopped me in my tracks.  It actually looked more like a tree branch, gray and weathered.  Somehow, it was dead and alive at the same time.  Its head almost looked like a piranha’s head.  Its mouth was open and it had long teeth.  For a moment I was afraid when a voice in my head said, “Let it bite you.  It won’t hurt!”  I did.  I let it bite me and the voice was right – it didn’t hurt!


Snake Bit

Dear Snake Bit,

A dream of moving along a path might signify a milestone, updating you on your progress at this point in your life.

The setting of your dream also offers a clue as to a possible meaning for you:  The narrow path reminds you of the fields where you spent your childhood.  Perhaps there is something in your consciousness now that harkens back to those days.  Whatever it is, it has stopped you in your tracks – kept you from making forward progress.  Perhaps it has restricted you from moving more freely in the scope and direction you desire.

This snake in the grass – note the play on words implying something sinister – is in poor condition, indicating it is essentially dead.  Even so, you have kept it alive; in your words it is dead, but alive.  But take note:  It is gray and weathered like the lifeless tree branch it is.  Is there a branch in your family tree or event(s) from that time in your life that have withered – “weathered” – and died?  Thank goodness!  Their ‘bite’can no longer harm you!   

Just as your inner voice tells you, no matter how scary or dangerous the events of that era were to you then, there is no need for you to be concerned now, Dear Dreamer!  You can move past this point in your history.  Let it go.  Your way need not be so narrow.  Expand your horizons and leave your old demons behind!

Sweet Dreams to You!

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