Friday, June 26, 2015

Dream Interpretation - Meds can interfere with sleep, dreams

Dear Carolyn,

I recently went on a strong medication to bring my high blood pressure back into the normal range.  Almost immediately, I began having a recurring, scary nightmare.  

Every night, I dream that I am being chased.  In the dream I am in a familiar area that is well-lit – it’s daytime – and does not seem threatening at all.  The path is well-maintained and the area around it is green and lined with flowers.  So it seems like it should be pleasant and non-threatening.  But I am being chased by something or someone I cannot see.  I know that I must escape or I will be killed.  That’s all there is to it.  It is life and death!  I never can see who or what is behind me.  All I ever see are my feet and legs as I run for my life! 

When I wake up from this terrifying dream, my heart is pounding and I am drenched in sweat.  Maybe I’ll get a drink of water or go to the bathroom, but when I fall back to sleep, the dream begins again and I am terrified.  It’s exhausting!

Afraid to Fall Asleep! 

Dear Afraid,

Your change in medication may be the culprit in this situation.  First of all, you find yourself in a familiar area that is attractive and well-maintained.  The path through this area may be analogous to the path of taking medication to treat high blood pressure:  It is a commonly traveled path that is familiar to most of us who are aware of well-known methods of treating this condition.  It is an attractive option for resolving the condition, just as the path in your dream seems to be an appealing choice.

But, to the contrary, you find yourself with your heart racing and sweat pouring off your body.  This is not the way it is supposed to work!  You should be safe and relaxed on this path.  Instead, you find the reverse.

You mentioned that the new meds are strong.  In conversation with your doctor, consider the possibility that they are too strong, or inappropriate for you in some other way.  The side effects may be altering your dream state/sleep cycle and contributing to the images of pursuit by an unknown but fearful threat.

That is a literal understanding of your dream’s material.  Given your medical condition, your first and mandatory step is to consult your doctor and adjust or change your medication if that is warranted.  Then we can talk about the possible metaphorical meanings of such dreams as yours, Dear Dreamer. 

Sweet Dreams to You!

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