Wednesday, October 14, 2015

Dream Interpretation - Dream offers progress report

At pivotal moments in our waking lives, our dreams will present us with a review of where we’ve been and where we are now.  Such dreams highlight what might have been along with newly formed strengths and go on to point out where we can go next.  This is the case with today’s dreamer.

Dear Carolyn,

Recently I decided to coordinate a group effort with my dysfunctional siblings.  At my urging we got together for the purpose of helping our father financially.  That may have triggered old feelings.  Also – FYI - The silent distant daughter is part of my waking life – there is a long-term painful rift between my daughter and me.  And, the idea of being the victim of theft and the missing baby are familiar recurrent themes in my dreams.  

In my waking life I would never be violent!  I hardly ever confront people verbally.  This time, however, I took things into my own hands more than ever before in the dream world.

So, last night I had a nightmare in which I walked with my silent adult daughter but she would not say why she shunned me.  In the dream there was a missing baby and my car, money, and my clothing had been stolen.  Oh, and the clothes were stolen in the dream just as I was waiting to try them on--another woman got them away somehow.  Inside a house a loud laughing family --mostly men --gathered around a dining table.  I lunged, tore, and scratched one of the men until he agreed to tell me what was going on.  Later I peered over the dressing room door for a glimpse of where the woman had hidden other things and who was she?


Victim No More

Dear Victim No More,

You offer a complex set of long-standing circumstances, mindsets, and emotional turmoil as a backdrop for your dream. 

Several elements of your dream are important in seeing it as a ‘progress report.’  It begins with a recap of several important themes in your life – most notably the missing child that hampered your means and ability (the car and money) to navigate through your days.

It seems in organizing a family meeting, and perhaps in other ways, you have begun to take on a new, more assertive persona – represented by the clothes you were just about to try on.  And, your demands to understand the inappropriate laughter may have seemed violent as compared to your prior passive way of acting on or accepting your life’s circumstance.  The burst of anger and frustration reflects your pent up emotions exploding to the surface. 

Even though the vestiges of your new self are purloined, Dear Dreamer, you pursue them with vigor.  You peek over the dressing room wall to see who that new woman – the new you – might be.  Your dream suggests you’ve left the victim mentality behind and are on the path of a new, stronger you.  

Sweet Dreams to You!

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